Nathalie Jeulin

Nathalie Jeulin

Senior Partner

Who are you?

Senior Partner at Tasmane since 2023, after a career as an ESN manager. Diving into the world of consulting is a challenge I'm taking up!

My credo is to shed light on complex organizational, operational and human situations, and to help our customers on the ground to find the best way to achieve sustainable success that is inspiring for the whole team.

Why are you here?

Because Tasmane is the firm that embodies its values on a daily basis, without ever deviating from them. For its ability to speak the truth, for its capacity to bring to life the diversity of skills and know-how that enrich and complement each other, in line with the evolution of our technological, social, economic and political ecosystems.

What doesn't show up on your resume?

All the rest, and surely the essentials, I'd be delighted to share with you in person!