For this fourth event in the DAE framework agreement's batch 1 "consulting for CIOs", we invite you to (re)discover the challenges of data science and the key role played by CIOs in its deployment within public administrations.


We will receive on this occasion Mr. Stéphane TRAINEL Ministerial Administrator of Data of the Economic and Financial Ministries) and co-founder of the SPYrales community, launched at the beginning of the containment.

Program :

11:00 am: introduction: Data Science in a few words, its application in the public sector and today's challenges

11h05 : Data Science in practice : Presentation of the SPYrale community by Mr. Stéphane TRAINEL (AGD MEF)

11:15 : : the state of play of the reflections engaged by the DNUM on Data Science

11:20 : questions - answers

11:30 a.m.: conclusion and end of the event