Customer issues
Banque des Territoires (BdT) was created in 2018 to bring together all the banking services of the Caisse des Dépôts Group (CDC).
The ambition is to make BdT "the" reference platform for the development of territories, through its customer proximity, its unified path and its scalability in the service offering, particularly via partnerships.
The Hive, an ad hoc organization created to build the BoT Platform, delivered the www.banquedesterritoires.fr portal at the end of 2018, the first key step in the platform strategy.
Organized into product teams and using agile methods, the Hive wanted support to accelerate its development, scale up and better integrate into the existing BoT ecosystem.
Key points
Tasmane drove:
- Systemic analysis of the BoT platform: strategic vision, leadership, organization of the Hive and the rest of the BoT ecosystem, architecture, product management and agile practices;
- Co-creating an agile organizational model tailored to CDC's culture;
- Adapting the process of evolving the BoT's service offering;
- The creation of new agile practices that allow the organization to scale up;
- The implementation of the transformation of the Hive.
Tasmane's intervention included:
- To get the entire ecosystem on board with a common goal for the BoT and to align the players with the Hive's agile maturity level;
- Clarify and adjust roles and responsibilities, including the emergence of a collective of leaders with a clear mandate to develop the platform;
- Improve the frequency and volume of deliveries via agile rituals and KPIs;
- To develop the product approach to improve the relevance of the evolutions with respect to the real expectations of the users.
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